Well Being Tips

well be-ing n. The state of being healthy, happy, and prosperous.

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Here you’ll find tips and ideas for creating and sustaining Well Being in your life. Always remember, we’re here to help. Please contact us at any time.

How to Talk to Your Kids about Anxiety, Depression, and Mental Health

According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness (2023), each year 1 in 6 youth (6 -17 years old) experience mental health symptoms. Talking with your children about mental health may seem daunting or overwhelming, but it is essential in order to help them thrive. How can you start a conversation about mental health with your kids? Here Continue reading

For Parents: 3 Essential Tips for Managing Screen Time (and Improving Mental Health for Your Kids)

There is growing, undeniable evidence that smartphone and social media use are linked with negative mental health. A recent study concluded that kids who get smartphones earlier become adults with worse mental health. Last May, the U.S. Surgeon General issued an advisory about the effects social media use has on youth mental health. That’s the Surgeon General warning parents to Continue reading