When Should I Get My Kid a Smartphone?


When Should I Get My Kid a Smartphone?

and Other Important Tips about the
Impact of Social Media on Kids & Teens
These short videos are just 2-3 minutes, but filled with essential info.

Lauren’s New Video Library & YouTube Channel

Hello Friends, I'm excited to share my new video library and YouTube Channel with you! It's c...

Are You Helicopter Parenting?

What does "Helicopter Parenting" mean, and how do we know if it’s hurting our children? Helicopter parenting refers to “a style of parents who are over focused on their children," says Carolyn Daitch, Ph.D., Director of the Center for the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders nea...

Why I Love Teen Summer Camp


Before I founded Well Being Therapy Center, I spent my summers as co-director of a teen summer camp. At the time it was known as Omega Teen Camp, and has since become the beloved