Teens Learn To Manage Anxiety & Feel Better About Themselves

Dear Friends,

I can’t express enough how exciting it is to see the teens enrolled in our Circle Up groups developing confidence and self-worth.  They should all be so proud of themselves for being open to exploring new ways of self-expression, learning about emotional regulation, and practicing healthy social skills. Although some of them start the group session feeling tired, or withdrawn, they always leave looking more relaxed with smiles on their faces.

Here you can see images from some of our recent projects:

These positive message collages were created by teens and “gifted” to other teens as a way to express support and kindness. Research shows that giving boosts self-esteem and feelings of happiness.

These posters highlight cognitive distortions, or unhelpful thinking styles. We hung them on the wall and the teens taught the group about their topic and gave examples from their lives.
They developed confidence through practicing “public” speaking and gained insight into why these patterns are unhealthy, and how recognizing them is the first step in controlling them.
Learn more about Circle Up Teen Groups here. Enrollment is open, and ongoing.  As always, please contact us with questions or to enroll.We look forward to having your teen Circle Up with us soon!

Warm Regards,
Lauren Muriello LPC

Founder & Director