How to Really Connect with Teens (and Kids) During the Holiday Break


This Fall, we welcomed back teens in-person to our new group room for the Circle Up Teen Group program. In the past several weeks, it's been such a pleasure to watch the teens share with each other, express their honest feelings, give each other feedback and support, and make connection...

10+ Tips for a Positive School Transition During the Pandemic

Dear Parents & Friends, The back to school transition is always filled with a wide array of emotions, and this year certainly has its added challenges. All of our staff therapists have shared tips (for both parents and students) for making this school transition as positive as possible. ...

Start Planning Now for a Positive Summer

The past year has presented many challenges for maintaining social connections and nurturing friendships. Children and teens have felt the impact of this even more significantly, given that they typically rely on school or organized group activities to connect and interact. The isolation caused b...

Combating Loneliness During the (Pandemic) Holiday Season


This pandemic has posed a series of challenges for children, teens, as well as adults and parents. The pandemic has isolated many of us from our friends and family, resulting in feelings of loneliness. How can your children and adolescents navigate these times and combat loneliness...