Food and Mood: New Findings Make the Connection

Recent research has been linking symptoms of depression to a deficiency in the gut, or to chronic gut inflammation. We all know that in our fast paced world it’s hard to eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet. More and more of our foods are processed and contain artificial fillers. Our body is a ...

Teens Don’t Use Phones Here!

Parents are constantly expressing concerns about their teens being addicted to smartphones and social media. My educational program 

How Art Therapy Helps Our Clients

Art therapy is a form of mental health treatment that is especially effective for children and teens, although many adults benefit as well. Art therapy projects can take many forms and use a variety of materials, allowing clients to create bead-work, paintings, drawings, sculptures and more, all ...

Tips for Waking Up on Dark, Cold Mornings

As we've welcomed the cool days of Fall, most of us agree that one difficult adjustment is waking up to colder, darker mornings. We go from being awoken by gentle summer sunlight peering through our window to alarm clocks sounding at what feels like 3am. Just like any transition, it can...