Here are some tips for managing (or preventing) loneliness for children, teens, and adults:
1. Keep a schedule to create consistency and keep your day as “normal” as possible.
2. Write in a journal to log how you are feeling and seek additional support, if needed.
3. Create a meaningful experience, like:
- Sign up to be an online volunteer or an online tutor
- Write/send letters to nursing homes
- Create GoFundMe pages for a cause of your choice
4. Explore connections with yourself by by finding a new skill or hobby, or even working toward a small attainable personal goal.
5. Practice self-care:
- Stay active by taking walks and exercising for even 20 minutes each day
- Take care of your body and mind with yoga or mindfulness
6. Spend more time as a family during family dinners, game nights, or house projects.
7. Practice self-compassion and accept your feelings as they come without judgement.
8. Strengthen connections by trying:
- FaceTime or Zoom calls to see friends and family live (even if it’s not in person)
- Make an actual phone call instead of texting. Hearing someone’s voice can be uplifting.
- Have a bake-off with a peer while on a FaceTime or Zoom call
- Join an online virtual class with a friend. is a great place to start.
Here’s to a Healthy & Happy Holiday Season!
We wish you all the very best. And please remember, we’re here to help.
Maria Antoniou, LMFT