Combating Loneliness During the (Pandemic) Holiday Season

This pandemic has posed a series of challenges for children, teens, as well as adults and parents. The pandemic has isolated many of us from our friends and family, resulting in feelings of loneliness. How can your children and adolescents navigate these times and combat loneliness during the pandemic holiday season?

Here are some tips for managing (or preventing) loneliness for children, teens, and adults:

1. Keep a schedule to create consistency and keep your day as “normal” as possible.

2. Write in a journal to log how you are feeling and seek additional support, if needed.

3. Create a meaningful experience, like:

  • Sign up to be an online volunteer or an online tutor
  • Write/send letters to nursing homes
  • Create GoFundMe pages for a cause of your choice

4. Explore connections with yourself by by finding a new skill or hobby, or even working toward a small attainable personal goal.

5. Practice self-care:

  • Stay active by taking walks and exercising for even 20 minutes each day
  • Take care of your body and mind with yoga or mindfulness

6. Spend more time as a family during family dinners, game nights, or house projects.

7. Practice self-compassion and accept your feelings as they come without judgement.

8. Strengthen connections by trying:

  • FaceTime or Zoom calls to see friends and family live (even if it’s not in person)
  • Make an actual phone call instead of texting. Hearing someone’s voice can be uplifting.
  • Have a bake-off with a peer while on a FaceTime or Zoom call
  • Join an online virtual class with a friend. is a great place to start.

Here’s to a Healthy & Happy Holiday Season!
We wish you all the very best. And please remember, we’re here to help.

Maria Antoniou, LMFT