Sugar Linked to Depression

Now more than ever, the old adage “You are what you eat” has been gaining scientific traction. New research studies(1) link high sugar intake to increased risk for depression. If you have been feeling sluggish or depressed you might try eliminating processed sugar and simple starches to...

Why Teens are Having a Rough Time

A recent Time Magazine cover story1 highlighted how anxiety and depression in teens have been on the rise since 2012... and sadly, that trend continues. In my daily work with teens, I see how their social culture constantly triggers stress, anxiety and often depression. "Adolescents...

Do You Monitor Social Media?

If you've been to one my presentations recently, then you've heard me talk all about how important it is for parents to know about the apps your kids are using. It's also imperative for you to monitor their interactions on social media.

Smart Back to School Tips


Yes, it’s that time again! It’s time to prepare for getting back into a school routine. Remember, experiencing predictable patterns gives children security in their environment. When they know what to expect, it reduces the likelihood that kids will experience anxiety or stress. ...